Sermons and Talks Volume 1 - Ellen G. White
- (Steps to Christ by sermons, country living advantages, The Church condition in the last days, letters to young lovers and a call to the Christians to stand apart of the world)
When Ellen Gould Harmon was in her early teens, no one would have predicted that eventually she would become one of the world's premier women public speakers. Yet, under the blessing of God, this frail teenager developed into a remarkably gifted and popular pulpiteer. It is estimated that during the seventy years of her prophetic ministry (1844-1915) she delivered at least 10,000 sermons and public addresses, on three continents. She spoke at Sabbath morning church services, camp meetings, ministerial councils, revivals, General Conference sessions, college chapel exercises, temperance rallies, conventions, church dedications, and wherever else there was need for public labor. With the publication of this volume, we are beginning a new series entitled, Sermons and Talks. Additional volumes will be added as need and time require and permit. We trust that a deepening of spiritual insight and a closer fellowship with the Lord will reward all who read the messages in this book. Now in a NEW BIG PRINT EDTION (A4).
EAN: 9781087957685