99 Financial Terms Every Beginner, Entrepreneur & Business Should Know - Thomas Herold
The Simple Guide to Economic Well-Being and Financial Freedom
Whenever you hear someone speak personal finance, do you feel like you’re learning a foreign language? Do you feel lost when reading or hearing financial terminology from your bank, insurance, investment agent or the IRS? You’re not alone!
Financial ignorance carries significant costs and results in spending more on transaction fees, get over-extended with debts as you are a ripe prospect for predatory practices.
If you cannot comprehend basic financial concepts, such as interest compounding and financial risk diversification, you're paying higher transaction fees, you pile up unmanageable debts and you also end up paying higher interest on loans.
Improve your financial literacy with this down-to-earth financial handbook. It's helpful for adults and teens as well.
This Practical Financial Guide Helps You With:
• Financial Planning ' Regulations
• Investing, Banking ' Economics
• Home Buying, Selling ' Mortgage
• Financial Statements ' Credit Reports
• Portfolio, Assets ' Liabilities
• Bitcoin ' Crypto-Currencies
Your Path to Financial Freedom ' Financial Intelligence
Financial education is the single biggest skill that can ensure economic well-being and financial peace. In modern parlance, it is known as financial literacy. It is a combination of financial awareness, knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial well-being.
If you have a grasp of financial principles, you are able to better understand and negotiate the financial landscape and avoid financial pitfalls.
You don’t have to be an accountant or a financial planner to negotiate in the world of business finance. This practical glossary contains 99 most important, and most commonly used business finance terms and definitions in alphabetical order.
It was written with an emphasis to quickly grasp the context without using jargon. Every financial term is explained in detail, with clear and concise article style description and practical examples.
These 99 financial terms will equip you with the most needed financial knowledge and skills. They will strengthen your attitude and belief in yourselves, to make and exercise informed, confident, and timely money management decisions. Whether you are a salaried person, a startup enthusiast, a business owner or just a financial beginner, these financial terms shall help you manage your money in a much better way.
Make Better Financial Decisions - Start Today!
In order to become savvy about your own finances, you need to understand a few useful financial definitions. This compilation of financial terms is a comprehensive list of various financial words, concepts, and regulations that you are likely to come across in your financial expedition.
Financial fitness will lead your life to a more secure financial future. Please scroll up and grab your copy today!
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