Women On Success - Isa Mohamed
This is a book by Amazing Women to Inspire More Women around the World.
The world is full of stories of successful women, and we need to capture them, or they will evaporate over time. These stories must be documented. And they must be shared to inspire the next generation of females. Stories and experiences move and motivate. They provide us with a boost to face our challenges head-on.
The 37 contributing authors of this book come from 18 countries. We have 13 contributing authors from the Kingdom of Bahrain; the rest of the authors come from Canada, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, and Venezuela.
In essence, the book covers the six continents of the world. Through out the book, there is one common theme: When there is a will, there is a way. Let the authors of this book guide you to the way of success!
EAN: 9789990177985