Transformational Writing - Sadie Celandine
- How To Manifest Your Desires With Just Pen And Paper
Want to Learn the Necessary Skills for Becoming a Manifesting Pro and Reaching Your Desires? Read on.
'The Secret” made the Law of Attraction a sensation in the 2000s bringing excitement and awareness to an age-old phenomenon.
Until recently, it was known by only a handful of highly attuned individuals, one of whom was the Buddha.
'All that we are is the result of what we have thought; what we think we become.”
Consistent and convincing thoughts can penetrate your subconscious and raise your level of awareness to notice new opportunities to obtain your desire.
Now, awareness about the Law of Attraction is widespread, but people’s results are mixed.
Though the concept is well established and straightforward, it’s not always so easy to get the desired results.
Several principles need to be observed regularly in a particular way to be successful. As a result, the execution can be rather complicated.
For example, thoughts can determine your reality, but many do not. Thoughts that manifest desires successfully need to have certain attributes and be repeated without competing doubts.
How to do it remains elusive to many determined to realize their biggest dreams.
Consequently, many books have attempted to nail down a simple guide for getting what you want using the Law of Attraction. After all, this is not about being interesting at a cocktail party with gobs of facts, it’s about getting what you most want, fast.
Makes sense, right?
But despite these intentions, one area that’s often ignored by these books is how to effectively write what’s needed for the different practices in the manifesting process.
This is strange given how critical word choice is for manifesting. Buddha sums up this reality best, 'The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed…”
'Transformational Writing” fills this need by providing a simple and quick guide that helps you get better at writing and other critical practices required for success.
In 'Transformational Writing,” you ́ll discover:
- What must be in your scripts to impact your subconscious (required for manifesting)
- 3 tricks for making your writing more exciting
- The only proven way to raise your vibration to notice previously unseen opportunities
- One surprisingly simple way to keep your manifesting practice fun and consistent.
- How to finally believe what your affirmations are saying about you
- Balancing deliberate planning and action with being open to serendipity and change
- 5 ways to uncover your true desire so you manifest more quickly
- Designing a manifesting process to clear the way for rapid growth
And much more…
At first, people might resist manifesting their desires because the Law of Attraction feels so outside normal reality. But they become open to it after hearing the stories of success from others and seeing that science has verified thoughts affect reality.
The biggest cause for ongoing resistance is that results can sometimes be elusive. While this frustration is understandable, it’s easily fixed. By getting rooted in the principles and aligning your practices and beliefs with your desire, the Law of Attraction comes alive. It’s a matter of having these guidelines spelled out simply to make their application straightforward.
If you want to become proficient in manifesting practices to realize your dreams more quickly, claim your copy of this amazing book now!
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