A Different Shade of Seeing - Elizabeth Brennan
'A Different Shade of Seeing is an engaging and fascinating book on many levels. On the surface, it is an account of travels in the ancestral homeland of Ireland. But within this frame there is so much else: history, philosophising, and great discoveries to be made. Difficult to categorise, yet continually illuminating, it is a voyage of self-discovery.
'We are privileged guests of the author as she shares her thoughts, observations, and aspirations. History and folklore is discovered and retold through many incredible anecdotes. Arresting and eccentric and warm people
emerge from almost every page as the author encounters them and learns their stories.
'A Different Shade of Seeing will have many people packing their bags and heading to Ireland. It will also have many enquiring into their own lives, their own pasts, and will also profoundly change how readers perceive the future. I recommend it very, very highly.'
Shane McCauley, BA(Hons). MA(Hons)
EAN: 9781922343017