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Stoicism - W. Williams James

Stoicism - W. Williams James

  • The Timeless Wisdom to Living a Good life - Develop Grit, Build Confidence, and Find Inner Peace (Practical Emotional Intelligence)
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Why are you here? Why do you exist? Where can you find happiness? How can you overcome fear, anxiety, and negative thoughts? Gain strength and confidence? Face obstacles in our lives?

If you've ever asked yourself any of these questions-and have wasted countless hours talking to gurus, attending seminars, buying courses to get the answers you desperately seek, it's time to stop searching outwards, and start looking inwards.

This book Stoicism: The Timeless Wisdom to Living a Good life - Develop Grit, Build Confidence, and Find Inner Peace takes you on a journey into yourself and delivers you into the future self you desire. It liberates you from the flawed thinking that your happiness and peace is dependent on the people or things in your life. It aims to unlock the greatness within you, and puts the power to change your life squarely in your hands.

In this book you will discover:

  • The history of Stoicism, and how Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius contributed to the growth of Stoic Philosophy
  • How a Stoic handle failure and success 
  • How to deal with anger, anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts
  • How to use Stoicism to achieve total inner peace in the chaos of the modern society
  • The secrets of the Stoics to living a happy life
  • Simple ways to implement Stoicism in your daily life
  • And much more!

There are so many books on the holy grail to finding inner peace and confidence, but none of them provides a lasting approach that can be part of who you are. The key to living a life that is simultaneously empowering, liberating, and exceptional is all within you. The manifestation of your physical and emotional desires is a process that begins with your mind.

The way you think controls the way you act, and it is the things you act on that will bring results. Often, the result we get is different from what we had hoped for. This book Stoicism: The Timeless Wisdom to Living a Good life - Develop Grit, Build Confidence, and Find Inner Peace explores the journey from your thoughts to manifestation. It guides you on how to think in the face of adversity, how to grow your confidence as you enter the eye of the storm, and how to embrace your situation in order to come out on top.

This book also dispels any general misconceptions people may have about Stoicism. To appreciate the value and to truly enjoy the benefits of Stoicism, it is important to understand the philosophy and it's origin first. If you are ready to take your life to the next level, to enter into a conscious and deliberate way of living, you are one step closer with this book in your hands.

So are you ready?

Scroll up, click 'Buy Now' and start changing your life with Stoicism!

EAN: 9781951429188
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W. Williams James
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