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Cryptocurrency - Jared Snyder

Cryptocurrency - Jared Snyder

  • The Ultimate Guide To The 20 Cryptocurrencies To Watch In 2018
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Get The Amazing Benefits Of Cryptocurrency

This Crash Course Includes:

  • Cryptocurrency Investment
  •  Strategies To Be Followed
  •  Potential Cryptocurrencies To Invest
  •  Other Altcoins And Their Investment Potential
  •  Quick Brief On Bitcoin Investment Portfolio

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The primary concept of this book is to take you through the basic cryptocurrency investment strategies that can be implemented to earn money. This book will help you identify the best crypto coins that will suit your investment needs.

The cryptocurrency ecosystem had a breakthrough last year (2017) when the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin’s rolling price value brought in new investors into the crypto market. This made many of the cryptocurrency enthusiasts and critics more excited and gave them a reason to look forward to more news this year (2018).       They expect 2018 to be an explosive year for the world of cryptocurrency, which might bring in new trends to this space.

Bitcoin saw a huge dip in its percentage for the first time in cryptocurrency history with its market share going down by 33 percent. Critics feel that 2018 will be the year when altcoins and Ethereum may just rule the charts topping the list of altcoins for this year. Though Ethereum has its own scaling issues to handle, the recent price surge in the crypto token ‘Ether’ against the Ether-Bitcoin ratio in the beginning days of 2018 seems to be a positive thing to look for.

With the sudden rise in the number of investors, cryptocurrency exchanges struggled technically to deal with the surging user bases and the most popular exchange ‘Coinbase’ saw more than 800 percent growth in its user base by the end of 2017. There were a few other exchanges, such as, Bittrex and Binance, which temporarily closed their registrations to deal with the immense demand from the new and existing investors.

This sudden hype and growth in the cryptocurrency space forced many governments to force strong regulations to their economic policies to manage and prevent illegal activities in cryptocurrency transactions. China’s decision to ban Bitcoin exchanges has created a disturbance in the crypto space. Another strict regulatory measure taken by the South Korean government in the early days of 2018 has already left crypto investors rambling.

The chapters in this book will deal with cryptocurrency investment, the crypto coins that can be used and their potential in the area of investment. This book can be looked at as an ultimate guide for the twenty crypto coins to watch out for this year – 2018.

I hope this book serves as an interesting and informative read.

EAN: 9781087850023
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Jared Snyder
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