Brother Eduardo's Mortal Crime - Rudy Leeman
- The Santore Story II
From the discovery of mutilated children’s bodies in a farmer’s field to chasing smugglers in the Crimean War arena, Inspector Eduardo and his partner, Rai, face terror in a race to save stolen children delivered to Italy and their capital of Florence. They save some and lose others to vicious smugglers whose only goal is to pocket money selling the defenseless and delivering children to terrors beyond imagination. It’s Eduardo Santore’s Story.
All this swirls around the people while Italy is at war with itself and neighboring countries as it struggles to unite as a nation of one people. King Emanuel II of Sardinia holds one of the territories of Italy. It’s his army that begins gathering territories under its wing. General Garibaldi, hero to the people, battles to unite them. The ugliness of Mafia and other Families flourish as the power of evil grows among the people. They struggle to survive in a peninsula divided by a desire to be one people and the power of the Vatican to keep them from becoming Italia.
EAN: 9781951886943