Fight club of feminists w.ukraińska - J. Bennett
It was a fight club, but without the bloody fights. Every month, its members met in a cramped apartment, sharing their concerns about the prevalence of sexism at work. For years, these meetings were secret - until now. This book contains stories of women who have faced gender inequality, and effective life hacks , how to help yourself in such situations. Having mastered them, you will know what to do when the boss keeps looking at the cleavage or a male colleague forces him to make coffee. The author emphasizes: our strength is in numbers. Now more than ever, women and men must connect and learn not to discount your own achievements because of gender stereotypes. With Jessica Bennett's sound advice, you'll gain the confidence and determination to ultimately change the biases against women in both the family and the workplace.
EAN: 9789669428592
Oprawa Skórzana