Subconscious Mind - Antony Felix
- Tame, Reprogram & Control Your Subconscious Mind To Transform Your Life
'p''strong''u'Rein over your subconscious mind, reprogram it and take conscious control over it such that it does everything you consciously want to do.'/u''/strong''/p''p''strong'Did you know that over 80% of the decisions we make stem from our subconscious mind, at an emotional level?'/strong' While we make decisions consciously, the truth is that the subconscious mind runs the show for most of us.'/p''p'In fact, it is as if we just run on autopilot and our conscious part of the brain just ‘rubber stamps’ the decisions or preferences from our subconscious mind. In simple terms, we (our conscious self) are our subconscious mind’s ‘bitch’ because we do everything it says or wants!'/p''p'Here an interesting fact when you let your subconscious mind operate with no semblance of conscious control of what it concentrates on and makes habitual, the probability of your life being desirable (to you and others) is slim. When your subconscious mind rules you, you operate on impulse, which translates to lack of self discipline, chronic procrastination, low productivity, you having bad habits, you not having high emotional intelligence and much more.'/p''p'If all this sounds familiar and you want to change all that, here is good news for you; you can turn the tables such that you make your subconscious mind your bitch instead of you being its bitch.'/p''p'How then can you turn the tables to your favor? This book will walk you by the hand to ensure you succeed at it.'/p'
EAN: 9781951737351