35 Amazing Group Activities - Rich Esposito MS
- The Evolution of Student Behavior - A Study of Group Activities That Work in Schools
35 Amazing Group Activities: The Evolution of Student Behavior—A study of Group Activities That Work in Schools.
This most talked about book makes group activities for school counselors, social workers, school psychologists, and teacher’s fun and inspirational for students to feel they need to succeed!! The book explores how the student evolves and is caught into a spiral of inner-city life. These 35 Amazing group activities come with the data and research that they work in schools. The activities can create positive student behavior, increase academic performance, increase social interaction, increase school attendance, leadership, self-esteem and much more… In addition, you will find helpful forms for student contracts, parent contracts, and so much more as you build your weekly group club or scheduled student meetings. It’s both, fun and interactive!!
EAN: 9781478772194