Emotional Intelligence Mastery - HUNTER STEWART
- Master Your Emotions, Build Positive Habits & Mental Toughness To Reach Your Full Potential
Discover How You Can Master Your Emotions, Develop Spartan Like Self-Discipline, Overcome Your Procrastination Habits ' Stop Overthinking Yourself Into Oblivion
EQ (or Emotional Intelligence) is known as the ability to identify ' manage one's emotions ' those of others. This is especially useful for people in leadership or parental roles, for example.
But why is this so important? Well, being Emotionally Intelligent means you are highly conscious of all of your emotional states, and as a result, can manage ' identify them much better. What this means is that EQ can not only make you a better leader, businessman, or employee, but it can help you in all of your interpersonal relationships as well.
There's a good reason many people believe EQ to be even more important than IQ.
But, where does Self-Discipline, Procrastination ' Overthinking come into all of this?
Well, building Self-Discipline is based on dealing with emotions and thoughts that make you feel resistant to taking action. Learning how to build the habits and systems to push through these thoughts and feelings means you'll no longer be a slave to your emotions ' 'motivation' levels.
Procrastination is simply a means we use to escape our emotions ' avoid whatever it is that is required of us in that situation; higher EQ individuals will, of course, know how to deal with ' overcome procrastination.
Excessive overthinking often comes from irrational worries ' fears, both of which stem from unregulated emotions, so improving your EQ means you will be able to identify and overcome your overthinking tendencies.
So, now you've seen how improving your EQ can significantly transform your life, don't you think it's time you did just that?
Here's a Tiny Preview Of What's Inside...
- How To Learn To Love Your Discipline By Finding' Positive' Behaviors ' Habits You Actually Enjoy ' Look Forward To
- Why Dopamine Can Be Your Best Friend Or Worst Enemy, And How To 'Hack' Your Brain To Make Sure It Works For You
- Why Motivation Is Not Sustainable ' Why You Can't Rely On It For Reaching Your Goals
- How To Indulge In Your Greatest Pleasures ' Hobbies' Guilt-Free' ' Without Any Form Of Procrastination
- Why Self-Discipline Can Create More Freedom Than Ever Before In Your Life
- 10 Simple, Yet Incredibly Effective, Strategies For Developing Positive Habits In All Realms Of Life (It's MUCH Easier Than You Think)
- Secrets, Used By Navy Seals ' Professional Athletes, To Develop Unbeatable Self-Discipline That Makes Doing 'Hard' Tasks Incredibly Effortless
- The 8 Main Reasons People Procrastinate ' How To Diagnose Yourself, Then Transform Your Behavior As A Result
- How 'Decluttering' Your Mind, Helps You Recharge Your Brain ' Re-Shape Your Behaviors ' Habits In As Little As Days
- How To Create a Simple To-Do List That Makes Being Productive Easy, Instead Of Leaving You Feeling Anxious
- Why Finding An Accountability Partner Could Supercharge Your Success
- How To Tackle The Biggest ' Most Important Projects That We All Love To Procrastinate On
- We All Know About The Fear Of Failure, But Do You Have A Fear Of Success? Find Out Inside...
And SO Much More!
So, If You Want To Supercharge Your Journey To Emotional Mastery ' Fulfil Your Potential In Life, Then Scroll Up And Click "Add To Cart."
EAN: 9781801342070