Mythic Astrology Applied - Ariel Guttman
- Personal Healing Through the Planets
Your position in the universe was fixed upon the moment of your birth. Understanding and making use of this opportunity is up to you!
In this long-awaited supplement to their groundbreaking Mythic Astrology: Internalizing the Planetary Powers, Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson give us a deeper look at the planetary players that operate within all of us. Understanding planetary archetypes is the key to harnessing the power of ancient mythology and archetypal energies. Through the planets in your chart, you can reveal the mythic dimension in your own life.
With an emphasis on myth and the feminine in astrology, Mythic Astrology Applied explores each planets and includes an extensive look at the archetypes of Gaia (Earth), Chiron, and the major asteroids.
Be sure to enhance your understanding by also reading Guttman and Johnsnon's companion work, Mythic Astrology.
EAN: 9781635617788