Open Source - Young Steven J.
In the fight to control magic, a new player has entered the arena. A druid of mysterious origin and unimaginable power has arrived using an ancient portal linked to Stonehenge. Colby and his friends are seeking answers as well as a means to save Colby's father. The problem arises when Colby''s magic begins to falter. The Hashtag Magic application has become open source.
The mobile application, Hashtag Magic has inexplicably ended up on the Internet in the form of a game. While mundane humans play blissfully unaware of the real magic they are invoking, Colby is suffering the consequences. The magic to fuel the game is draining Colby's magical core.
Colby finds himself weakened and facing battles on multiple fronts. In the fight to stop his magical drain, Colby begins losing his friends to the unknown plans of the Druid. Crippled by corruption in Hashtag Magic, Colby will need to discover his true power, confront the man who stole his father's body, and face the Druid whose plans revolve around the past, present, and possible future yet to come.
EAN: 9781943924486