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DIY Cannabis Extracts 101 - Tommy Rosenthal

DIY Cannabis Extracts 101 - Tommy Rosenthal

  • The Essential And Easy Beginner's Cannabis Cookbook On How To Make Medical Marijuana Extracts At Home
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Learn How to Make Your Own Cannabis Extracts!

Learn How To Prepare The Best Cannabis Extracts With This Easy Step-By-Step Marijuana Guide.

Is this you?

- I want to use marijuana for medical purposes
I'd like to use cannabis, but prefer not to smoke it
I have always wanted to cook with cannabis, but never really knew how to do it

If so, I have good news: this simple marijuana extracts guide will help you with all of them!

Get the latest on making your own cannabis extracts!

Get Your Copy of 'DIY Cannabis Extracts 101'

In this book, you will learn all kinds of exciting new ways to consume cannabis. And how to make the extracts!

What are cannabis extracts?

This is the process where the essence of the cannabis plant is extracted, in its purest form. What you end up with is an extract that's far more potent than were it just smoked or used in a common fashion.

These extracts can then be used to make cannabis brownies, cannabis cake, and there are many other cannabis recipes.

Extracts can come in different forms: 

- Dabs 
- Rosin 
- Cannabutter 
- Edibles 
- Kief 
- Tinctures
- Etc.

Buy 'DIY Cannabis Extracts 101'

Cannabis extracts are associated with many health benefits. For example, countless users have reported that it alleviates symptoms of:

- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Chronic pain
- Crohn's disease 
- Diabetes
- Fibromyalgia
- Migraines
- And many other diseases

That list is quite impressive, wouldn't you agree?

If you are looking for alternative ways to consuming cannabis (other than smoking it), this is the book for you!

Why You Should Check Out 'DIY Cannabis Extracts 101'

'DIY Cannabis Extracts 101' is a complete no-fluff beginner cannabis extraction guide that will teach you how you can make your own cannabis concentrates. 

Here is What You Will Learn:

- A Brief History of Cannabis
- What is a Cannabis Extract?
- Cannabis Extraction And Consistency
- Dabbing
- How to Make Kief
- How to Make Hash
- How to Make Cannabutter
- How to Make Rosin
- How to Make RSO (aka Rick Simpson Oil)
- How to Make Tinctures
- How to Make Hash Oil
- And Much More!

Finally, as a FREE ' EXCLUSIVE BONUS, you'll also get the chapter 'What is CBD?' from my other book 'CBD Hemp Oil 101.'

To recap: If you apply what you will learn in 'DIY Cannabis Extracts 101', marijuana will never be the same!

So, let's get started, shall we?

Take action now! Scroll to the top of this page and click the 'Buy Now' button.

EAN: 9781952772191
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Tommy Rosenthal
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