Your Author Business Plan. Companion Workbook - Joanna Penn
- Take Your Author Career To The Next Level
You are an author. You turn ideas into reality in the shape of a book.
You turn the thoughts in your head into valuable intellectual property assets. You understand how powerful the written word can be. Now it's time to use your words to create a business plan to take your writing career to the next level - whatever that means for your situation.
I'm Joanna Penn and I've been a full-time author-entrepreneur for almost a decade. In this Companion Workbook, I'll guide you through the process of creating a business plan that will help you achieve your creative and financial goals.
This includes the questions from Your Author Business Plan and a blank Business Plan for you to fill in, as well as access to extra downloadable material.
Note: This is a Workbook edition and is designed for you to write in. If you want the whole book with all the text, please purchase Your Author Business Plan.
EAN: 9781913321567