Comforter - Roy Teel Jr. A
“There was someone in that room I saw them I know they were there.”
Back Cover:
Tamara Jenkins was a happy young woman in the prime of her life. She had gone to the doctor for some routine tests, and, in a matter of hours, her world crumbled around her as she was diagnosed with stage three melanoma that had metastasized throughout her body. She underwent emergency surgery and was in the ICU at Northridge Hospital. Shortly after three a.m., Doctor Brian Cantor was making his rounds when he spotted a figure moving from Tamara’s room into an adjacent hall. Less than thirty seconds later, a code sounded, and Doctor Cantor found Tamara hemorrhaging and flatlining. He called a code, but there was no way to save her. Brian swore to all in the room that he saw someone enter and exit. But who? Was it a coincidence or the hospital's angel of death?
Inside Flap:
Doctor Brian Cantor had been a promising young surgeon until he got hooked on pain medication. He had a breakdown the previous year and had just gotten his license back and was trying to get back on his feet. In the weeks leading up to his breakdown, he swore that he saw someone going into and coming out of patients' rooms just before they died. Due to the drugs, he was believed to be psychotic and was hospitalized despite a long-held rumor about the hospital's angel of death known only as the Comforter. Once recovered, Doctor Cantor returned to Northridge Hospital, only to see someone exit Jenkins' room moments before her death. What at first glance appeared to be a terrible accident revealed, instead, that Jenkins was indeed murdered by someone desperately trying to act in secrecy. As a possible witness, Doctor Cantor's life now hangs in the balance as the killer's actions bring the Iron Eagle into the hunt to end the mysterious string of deaths once and for all.
EAN: 9781943107469