Kadashan Speaks - Kadashan
- Legal Plunder
Legal Plunder is practiced extensively in our governmental systems, more so today, than any other time in the history of the world. Legal Plunder is when illegal matters are made legal by our government leaders. It is practiced in all three branches of our federal system.
Frederick Bastiat was a French statesman and economist who lived in the mid 1800's. He was concerned that France was turning more and more into a socialistic nation which, he believed, would eventually translate to communism. Over a hundred years ago he wrote this book called THE LAW, from which I take many of my opinions in this treatise.
According to Bastiat legal plunder is when the government takes from the "haves" and gives to the 'have nots." So is "distributing the wealth" a right, or was the power to tax by the federal government envisioned by the Founding Fathers---and what about The Affordable Tax Act? Along with these many leaders believe that we are turning more and more of our responsibilities from local state over to the federal government. In essence, we as citizens, are encouraging the government to engage in legal plunder. I also believe that when we practice legal plunder that we are leading our nation toward socialism. Some modern day leaders believe, including myself, is that socialism is communism in disguise.
EAN: 9781953904454