Bible Storybags - Margaret Cooling
- Reflective storytelling for primary RE and assemblies
This book comprises 16 field-tested story scripts, based on the life of Jesus, and designed to stimulate reflective thinking in children of all ages from 4-11. Each unit contains a story synopsis, differentiated storytelling, symbols to explore, reflective activities, optional prayers, background information and links to useful websites.The material covers the life of Jesus through popular storytelling styles such as story sacks and Godly Play, making it ideal in the classroom, or, with the additional web content which can be used with Whiteboard screens, suitable for collective worship.The material, which gives particular emphasis to the 'learning from religion' aspect of RE, consists of units covering: Jesus' birth;Jesus' baptism;Jesus' temptations;The choosing of the first disciples;Parables;Miracles;Encounters with Zaccheus, Martha and Mary;The Crucifixion;The Resurrection.Please note: Storybag and Storysack are registered trademarks of Storysack Ltd. The term Storybag is used in this book under licence and may not be applied in any other context without prior written authorisation from the trademark holder.
EAN: 9780857460738