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Keto Pasta Cookbook - Jane Elizabeth

Keto Pasta Cookbook - Jane Elizabeth

  • Homemade Low Carb Pasta & Noodles
57,77 zł
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If you love pasta, but don't love the carbs that come with it, get ready to fall in love with pasta all over again.

Giving up some of the most popular comfort foods like spaghetti and meatballs, or lasagna, can make a keto diet seem daunting. But, rejoice, it is possible to enjoy your favorite pasta recipes, without the side of guilt.

Satisfy your pasta cravings (with only a fraction of the carbs)

Whenever, whatever you are craving, quickly find the pasta or noodle dish you have been missing. Spaghetti Bolognaise, your favorite spicy Asian noodles or just seeking inspiration for your keto diet, you'll find it all.

With most recipes having less than 7g net carbs, there is no sacrificing your diet and health for a morsel of pleasure. Your most loved dishes are truly healthy, wholesome, delicious and guilt free.

More than just a spiralizer

We all love turning fresh vegetables and fruits into imaginative, low-carb dishes; shredded ginger carrot noodles into Pad Thai or mixed vegetables into Creamy Pasta Alfredo with Sausage and Peppers.

But there is more to low-carb pasta than spiralizing. Create homemade spaghetti which is truly low carb or egg noodles to go with your favorite spicy Asian recipe.

Make your own or store-bought

If you are feeling adventurous, choose from six homemade base recipes, ranging from spaghetti to creative kale and egg noodles. Combine these with any of the quick, easy and delicious recipes.

Short on time? There is a whole section dedicated to store-bought recipes. Easily throw together yummy and comforting dishes in minutes.

Easy, budget-friendly, quick and yummy

The keto diet can be difficult, time-consuming and budget-busting. Store-bought low carb pasta can be five times their carby counterpart. Make your own pasta with easy to find and budget-friendly ingredients, without a pasta machine or two hours of your valuable time.

Over 75 keto sauces to mix and match with any recipe

Complementary keto sauces ebook containing over 75 sauces which can be thrown together in minutes. Short on time and have leftovers or store-bought pasta / noodles? Look up your favorite sauce, create, mix and enjoy.

Download the Keto Pasta Cookbook today and satisfy your pasta cravings without the guilt.

EAN: 9781913436421
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Jane Elizabeth
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