Choosing Your Words - Jean Costa A
- Crafting Your Life
This book reflects the author's wholehearted belief that what we choose to say to ourselves and about ourselves affects every aspect of our being, all the way to our cellular structure. When we choose those words and phrases that nurture and empower us, our whole being responds to them.
We are all talking to ourselves and each other all the time; sometimes it's an inner dialogue and other times it's out loud. With just a little effort we can start carefully choosing the worlds we use. In fact, it's probably easier to shape the words we use to describe events and others than it is to shape those we use for ourselves. We can be our own worst enemies. Included is a long list of negative self-talk phrases, things people say to themselves or perhaps read somewhere. For example: "I am so stupid! I am such a klutz! I never seem to get it right. I just can't make any friends. I never have enough money, time, energy, etc. My right leg, arm, hip, etc. is my bad one." The list compiled here has about one hundred negative phrases. Two others that don't sound negative but have that effect are, "I am right!" and "I can do that better." Those two statements may be true, but most people don't want to be around someone who has all the answers and who will willingly tell them how to do something better, even if they've been asked.
EAN: 9781944662554