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"At Least You'll Be Married to a Doctor" - Paradis Hagar Jordyn
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"At Least You'll Be Married to a Doctor" - Paradis Hagar Jordyn

  • Managing Your Intimate Relationship Through Medical School
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"If I Wanted to be Married to a Doctor, I Would Have Married a Doctor....Not a Med Student" Medical school is hard. Between the near constant studying, the hours of clinical work, and the stress of staying caught up, a med student often does not have time left for sufficient sleep, leisure, or enjoyment. Medical school consumes a med student's time and energy as well as his mental and emotional capacities. This makes getting through medical school challenging for any med student. If a med student also happens to be in an intimate relationship, the situation can become even more complicated. Pulling from her spouse's experiences with the medical training process as well as from her professional mental health background, Jordyn Paradis Hagar takes you on a step by step journey through the realities of managing an intimate relationship during medical school. She addresses both the med student's overwhelming reality as well as the unique and often overlooked experience of a med student's significant other. From adapting to the initial difficulties that medical school can produce in a relationship, through to the ultimate realization of a healthy and balanced relationship, "At Least You'll Be Married to a Doctor" describes in detail the process of creating and maintaining a healthy relationship during medical school. The reader will leave this book with a strong understanding of the experiences that many med school relationships encounter and the tools needed to manage them along the way.

EAN: 9781432785413
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Paradis Hagar Jordyn
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