The Body Type Diet - Robert Adamo
- Food Combining for a Leaner You!
Robert Adamo Will Change Your Life!
Adamo, who is among the nation's most experienced nutritionists, is eager to give people all the tools they need to become genuinely healthy and fit once and for all. Adamo is eager to lay two misconceptions to rest: the first that asserts that one must exercise more and eat less to be healthy and fit, and the second that states calories in minus calories out equals weight loss. In his book The Body Type Diet Adamo not only addresses other nutritionists' claims head on, but also passionately reveals life-altering nutritional theories that keep the weight off. What does Robert Adamo know that other experts and medical doctors haven't told us? Adamo's philosophy is this: you cannot change your body. What you can do is enable your body to perform better. That strategy gives The Body Type Diet its power. Robert Adamo knows more than enough to change your life forever. After all, he changed his.
EAN: 9781478783015