AutorzyZdzisław W. Puślecki
World Economy Against New Challenges in the Time.. - Zdzisław W. Puślecki
Author focus on the analysis of the new protectionist tendencies and inclination to bilateralism and regionalism in the contemporary foreign trade policy. Realistic point is important trends in the trade regime. The main aim of the second chapter is indication of the increasing importance of bilateral agreements in the foreign trade policy. The main aim of the third chapter is the presentation the World Trade Organisation (WTO) challenges. The main aim of the four chapter is the presentation of liberal and anti-liberal tendencies in the economic policy of East-Central European Countries. The five chapter present the East Central Europe, Baltics and Russia competitiveness in the conditions of the regionalisation and globalisation process. The main aim of the six chapter is the presentation of the liberalization effect of P.R.China foreign trade policy for emerging industry and economic growth. The main aim of the seven chapter is analysis of the innovation and knowledge in creation of European Union global competitiveness especially against USA and Japan and also BRICSAM countries and social security from regional perspective. The main aim of the eight chapter is presentation of the challenges for TTIP negotiations. The main aim of nine chapter is presentation the potential implications of a trade war between the United States and China for world economy. The main aim of the ten chapter is the presentation the new Chinese Belt and Road Initiative' (BRI) as a project launched by China to develop countries and improve global connectivity. The main aim of the last chapter is the presentation the need to establish a new format for trade political relations between European Union and China in the time of COVID-19.
EAN: 9788380173392
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Czy możliwa jest nauka języków obcych w starszym wieku?
Sporo osób uważa, że osoby w wieku starszym nie mogą już zabrać się za naukę obcych języków, ponieważ nie mają już talentów najmłodszych, dzięki którym mogą bez trudności zapamiętują nowe słówka i w okamgnieniu rozumieją reguły panujące w danym języku. To jednak nieprawda – w starszym wieku również można nauczyć się języków obcych, jednak trzeba przeznaczyć na to nieco więcej czasu oraz cierpliwości. Bez znaczenia nie jest także ambicja do zyskania nowych informacji i nowych zdolności.
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Zdzisław W. Puślecki
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