He Heard My Cry and He Came Down - Betty Kruckeberg
- This Is My Story
God spared my family of 8 members four times. There were two tornados, a flood, and power take off shaft, twice bleeding internally, two fires, rare disease, terminal, cancer, car accidents and many things that drove me to my knees. God allowed all these trials to bring brokenness, that I might become a Christian. I wanted change that I might walk in Gods ways. God really spoke through His Word. He allowed many trials to change me. God took me through so much scripture. There is great power in His Word. He will show you through his Word what he wants to change. He wants obedience. He has taken me through many trials until I go around Jericho without a word. You cant grumble or complain. If you complain your telling God he cant do it.
I love to tell the story of what God does for me. I love to walk with Him. He wants us to be an encourager to people and show forth the love of God. Share the Word with them. There are hurting people everywhere.
EAN: 9781489716033