Good People Like Pot - Hall Mk
- Marijuana Revealed
MK Hall lived as a young adult in New York City in the fall of 1970 experiencing life on Pot?Sometimes engaging with it every day, sometimes going with no Pot at all. Cannabis is contraband and prohibited. Many people have enjoyed notorious Marijuana and at other times have been made fearful of arrest and detention. Many are jailed.
Hall spent four decades without benefit of equal opportunity employment because testing her would show THC, the active compound ingredient in Marijuana. It is better for her to paint, write, or clean to survive. Or to sell real estate. She is a professional realtor turned nonfiction writer in an effort to help turn the tide against Pot with her ?drop in the bucket?. Another drop is you who read this book telling the story of Pot. Learn how we may achieve the satisfaction of tolerance.
EAN: 9781458215758