Urban Dragon Volume 3 - Troemner J W
Arkay misses the good old days, when she used to beat up drug dealers and stalkers and rifle around in their pockets for loose change. Times were simpler then. She could sleep at night, confident that she was one of the good guys.
Now she’s the unwilling figurehead of the Hoarde, and her life is a political nightmare. Her allies are playing mind games. Her subordinates are on the verge of mutiny, impatient with Arkay’s eccentricities and Rosario’s ideas of mercy. Innocent people are dying by the hundreds, slaughtered in labyrinthine death camps by a ruthless enemy.
They all look to Arkay to save them—or to die trying.
Contains the conclusion of the Urban Dragon series:
Book 7: Crusader Non Grata
Book 8: Remnants and Revenants
Book 9: Beloved of the Dragon
EAN: 9781945182020