A Primer on Macroeconomics - Thomas M. Beveridge
- Policies and Perspectives
This two-volume text represents a common sense approach to basic macroeconomics. Economics, far from being the dismal science, offers us valuable lessons that can be applied to our everyday experiences.
At its heart, economics is the science of choice and a study of economic principles allows us to achieve a more informed understanding of how we make our choices; whether these choices occur in our everyday life, our work environment, or at the national or international level.
This second volume, Policies and Perspectives, delivers clear statements of essential economic principles, supported by real-world examples and uncluttered by extraneous material; the goal is to provide a concise readable primer that covers the substance of macroeconomic theory and policy. The author uses a single unifying tool-aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis-to probe differing perspectives on macroeconomic policies.
This book discusses:
- fiscal policy and short-run stabilization;
- the financial sector and monetary policy;
- the international sector;
- and the sources of economic growth.
EAN: 9781631577253