James Proved - Mimi Brun
- "I Am" True, Divine, Eternal Wisdom!: Miraculous Autobiography!
Christian Childs religious autobiography leads mankind to the true way to salvation, eternal life. It has proven irrefutably, incontrovertibly, incontestably and convincingly that the Holy Bible is the only true, WISE, eternal words of Jesus Christ almighty God. This book has undoubtedly cancelled and nullify every false religion, false gods, false belief and false teachings. My book reveals GOD'S uncommon wisdom, power, presence and miracles in my life before and after I was born. Jesus Christ saved me from gestational death, premature death and spiritual death. I am called to help the church withstand the enemy's attacks in these last days, to help the unsaved come to Christ, to gently and wisely help those who believe, those who say they are christians but are not a born again christian.
EAN: 9781512788426