The War of Heru and Set - Ashby Muata
- The Struggle of Good and Evil for Control of the World and The Human Soul
The War of Heru and Set is an epic tale that delves into the ancient Egyptian myth of the struggle between Heru (Horus) and Set, representing the eternal battle between good and evil for control of the world and the human soul. This novelized version of the Asarian Resurrection myth is based on actual scriptures and is prepared in the form of a screenplay, making it easily adaptable for stage plays or feature films.
The story begins with the myth of Isis, Osiris, and Heru, compiled from original Ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Coptic texts. This epic myth is richly illustrated with reliefs from various ancient temples and papyri, providing a vivid and immersive experience for the reader. The myth inspired the teachings of the Shetaut Neter (Egyptian Mystery System - Egyptian Yoga) and the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth By Day.
The ancient religion of Osiris, Isis, and Heru, if properly understood, contains all the elements necessary to lead the sincere aspirant to attain immortality through inner self-discovery. This volume presents the entire myth and explores the main mystical themes and rituals associated with the myth for understanding human existence, creation, and the way to achieve spiritual emancipation - Resurrection. The Osirian myth is so powerful that it influenced and continues to affect major world religions, including the origins and mystical meaning of the Christian Trinity, the Eucharist ritual, and the ancient origin of the birthday of Jesus Christ.
The War of Heru and Set is not just a story of mythic characters but a profound exploration of the human Higher and Lower self. The ultimate victory and fulfillment can be experienced, which is not changeable or lost in time. The purpose of myth is to convey the wisdom of life through the story of divinities who show the way to overcome the challenges and foibles of life. This volume highlights the deeply rich texture of the Ancient Egyptian myth, containing deep spiritual teachings and insights into the nature of self, God, and the mysteries of life.
The book also serves as a foundation for an epic drama that could be produced as a feature film, providing insight into the nature of the spiritual struggle and the ultimate exaltation of victory over the mysteries of life. The story of the Asarian Trinity of Asar-Aset-Heru and the Egyptian Ennead holds hidden teachings, which, when understood and properly practiced, will lead to spiritual enlightenment.
EAN: 9781884564444