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Pilates Walk - George Aliesa

Pilates Walk - George Aliesa

  • Tips, Techniques, and Exercises for a Healthy Stride
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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My Mission, and the Pilates-Walk™ goal is to give you lots of helpful
information and exercise tips so that you can find and use the right
muscles when you walk.

Walking is one of the best whole-body wellness activities (when your form
is good). But with poor posture and bad body mechanics even a leisurely
stroll can leave you feeling worse instead of better.

To help you maximize the benefits of your walking technique, I’m going
to share with you some simple common-sense strategies and exercises
that I’ve found helpful for myself and my Pilates clients to fine-tune their
form to get more of the right muscles working to walk well.

Everybody walks! Whether walking is a part of your workout routine, or
just something you to do get you from one place to the next, how your
body is moving directly relates to how it feels. Poor posture and movement
habits can only lead to aches, pains, and injuries. Practicing healthy
movement habits will lead you down the road to better health!
viii Pilates Walk ™

This book is designed to be a handbook, and guide to help you become
more aware of your current walking habits, and help you tweak your
technique for better form and function.

The more efficient your gait, the better your stride; the better your stride,
the more you use the correct muscles to move. Walking with good body
alignment will help keep you strong, fit, flexible, and – most importantly –

Whether you’re walking down the block, or doing marathons, Pilates-Walk™
Movement Strategies can help you feel well and be well.

So don’t just sit there and read this book… Get up, start moving, and
practice the exercises! Improving your body awareness and re-training
your walking habits to be healthier will only happen when you take action
with a focus on your form and function.

Be Well and Enjoy Your Pilates-Walk Workouts!

EAN: 9780988946835
Kod produktu
George Aliesa
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