Does God Care? - Bennett Geoffrey E L
- War, Natural Calamity, Disaster, Disease, Plague, Birth Defects, Human and Animal Suffering?
"Does God Care?" seeks to find out if God is weak, uncaring, cruel or non-existent in a world where pain and suffering exist. How can earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, disease, birth defects, wars, famine and countless other events that cause millions of deaths, intense pain and mental suffering be part of a "loving God"?
There are three parts:
1. The author's own suffering and an examination of other religious viewpoints.
2. An examination of Biblical Passages that seem to show God as an uncaring source of evil, an intensive study of the Book of Job, and a study of the Old Testament suggest a glimmering of answers. A study of the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament, shows a loving God who cares for His Creation.
.3. The final section deals with 21st Century answers. Is the Bible just mythical nonsense? Is faith meaningless?
Does such a thing as a God exist? How do we understand natural suffering, pain and God from Geology, Modern Science and Current Medical Knowledge, etc.? Is there a spiritual world of Hell and Heaven? Is there any answer, or is "God" meaningless? The author reveals his own answer to every question.
EAN: 9781963883589