Leaves and Limericks - Helena Marchant
"Leaves and Limericks" is a whimsical journey through the seasons, where each page embodies the vibrant dance of nature's transformations. In this enchanting collection, verdant verses bloom alongside playful limericks, blending the beauty of the natural world with lighthearted wit and rhyme. Explore the rustling leaves of autumn as they share their stories of change, while cheeky characters leap off the page, inviting laughter and reflection. With each turn, discover the intricate connection between the rhythm of life and the cadence of words, making "Leaves and Limericks" a delightful companion for poetry lovers and nature enthusiasts alike. This book is a celebration of creativity and the magic that unfolds in everyday moments, leaving readers inspired to embrace the beauty of their own surroundings, one limerick at a time.
EAN: 9781805675952