The Gist of the Revelation - Davis Dean
- An Amillennial Overview of the Grand Finale of All Scripture
"Dean Davis does what so many fail to do-he steps back from current events and quibbling about details to tell us in remarkably simple and concise terms what the book of Revelation is about. He gets the gist of the Revelation exactly right-it is about the person and work of Christ, who wins in the end; and because he does, the Revelation gives courage and hope to the people of God." -Kim Riddlebarger, author of A Case for Amillennialism
The Revelation is the grand finale of all Scripture. Here the divine Composer has lavishly drawn upon earlier portions of the Word of God and woven them into a thrilling final movement in the great symphony of truth that we call the Bible.
But what is the theme of this grand finale? All who have heard it eagerly reply: the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ-his resurrection, ascension, session, heavenly reign, and soon-coming return, when he himself will raise the dead, judge the world in righteousness, and create new heavens and a new earth, the eternal home of the redeemed.
Yes, the Revelation gives us the High King in his glory; and perhaps as never before, his beloved Bride has need of beholding him so. For having been rescued from spiritual Egypt, she is making an arduous spiritual journey through the wilderness of the present evil age. Along the way her heavenly Husband faithfully nourishes her by Word and Spirit. But in these dark days, he may especially desire to do so through the grand finale of all Scripture.
In this book, retired pastor and author Dean Davis seeks to give Christ's Bride the gist of the Revelation, so that she may better hear the grand finale, delight in it, and receive fresh strength for her final spiritual battles and her triumphal entry into the Promised Land.
EAN: 9781646451173