Andalucian Delight - Berna Cristina
The wonderful cakes from Andalucia are pure luxury. Many of them were developed in rich towns where the citizens indulged not only in cakes but in all kinds of luxuries.
Today these luxurious cakes are available to everyone. From being the creations of a few master bakers for a small elite the recipes are followed in pastelerias all over Andalucia. By all means enjoy them! Remember to exercise! These cakes are very rich, that is why they taste so good!
But let us make one thing clear. We find it a detestable practice to use margarine instead of manteca de cerdo (lard) and butter and to add extra sugar to try to cover this up. We understand margarine is cheaper, but the cakes do not taste the same. It is a kind of fraud on the consumer. Be sure to ask for the real thing!
Besides cakes, Andalucia has so much to offer the visitor and its own residents. You will enjoy a visit!
EAN: 9786793211557