14 Stories by Mel Dagg - Mel Dagg
Fourteen stories featuring characters caught in amazing circumstances. This collection follows the characters as they push new boundaries and explore the complexity of relationships. Each story reveals the intricacies of the human condition. Join them as they navigate through life choices. Through spare, haunting, dramatic prose, the reader will discover worlds of startling clarity. Powerful! Evocative! The stories resonate and bear revisiting.
Acclaim for Mel Dagg's fiction:
Dagg demonstrates extraordinary poise...while avoiding the sentimentalization the stories warn against.
~ Montreal Gazette
A marvel of precision and personal vision.
~ Alberta Report
Genius when it comes to the art of fiction. I think of Mel as one of the more important voices now at work in Western Canada
~ Gary Geddes
Artistic poise, the complexity of relationship, the smoothness and delicacy of evocation, the human condition.
~ Hugh Hood
Wonderful- and clear and clean and focused...way beyond "description" - it's what writing should do.
~ Gayla Reid, winner of The Journey Prize and Ethel Wilson Prize
Reverberates in the mind long after the book is closed.
~ Newest Review
Power to involve us now and move us deeply.
~ Vancouver Sun
Dagg's primary concern is the human heart, endlessly beating beneath the skin and the good that flows through the soul. He probes deep into the human centred world of his fiction. There are small epiphanies on every page.
~ Richard Olafson, Ekstasis Editions
EAN: 9781779621627