Look for the Drip And Expect the Outpour - Lee K.
It's going to rain on the just and the unjust. I went through the storm, the rain, the hail, and I can attest, that God is Good through it all. It is not only the good moments that we welcome the rain but especially in our drought.
When we are struggling to see our way out of situations, we likely don't know what we need. I share my journey on how I went from a girl in the Word to a mature believer living in the outpour of God's goodness and mercy.
How I went from no books to 30 published. How I had no job, but all my bills were paid. How I had no business to owning many. Not everything was successful to the naked eye, but I blossomed all the while.
In business and family, I show you the patterns I have learned for how God speaks and how He can turn any life around.
EAN: 9781945066610