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Send In The Tort Lawyer$-A Legal Farce - Morrison T.C.
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Send In The Tort Lawyer$-A Legal Farce - Morrison T.C.

98,39 zł
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2023 Semi-Finalist for the Mark Twain Awards for Humor and Satire Fiction.

Prepare to laugh until you cry as fearless tort lawyers Pap and Pup navigate uproarious lawsuits that are endemic of our time. 

Patrick A. Peters ("Pap") and his twin brother Prescott U. Peters ("Pup"), the fearless tort lawyers whose zany exploits delighted readers of Tort$ "R" Us and Please Pass The Tort$, return with yet another round of legal mayhem guaranteed to make you laugh until you cry.

Their latest antics include a lawsuit on behalf of consumers who bought what turned out to be worthless crypto currency from the now-bankrupt FTZ; lawsuits challenging the labeling of Godiva Belgian Chocolates and a Vermont company's ice cream purportedly made from the milk of "happy cows"; and yet another lawsuit on behalf of the unforgettable Lydia Lowlace, who's image from Playboy is now part of a collection of non-fungible tokens sold by an off-shore start-up.

Settle into your favorite chair so that you don't fall on the floor laughing at the new exploits of these lovable lawyers who leave no stone unturned in their quest for fun, fame and fortune.

Praise for the Pap ' Pup Peters series

"I can't recall reading, or seeing, anything in a long time that had me laughing so hard and loud. Morrison has a perfect ear, and eye, for the absurd." -Michael Abram, Retired Labor Lawyer

"This book is hilarious from beginning to end. There were times when I laughed out loud. The word plays are very clever and the plot manages to skewer many of our personal references, while not being mean-spirited." -Maureen Bateman, Former General Counsel of U.S. Trust Co. and State Street Bank and Trust

"I never expected to be so marvelously entertained by a book about lawyers and lawyering - laughing out loud in almost every chapter until the tears rolled down my cheeks." -Janet Graaff, Retired College Professor

"A Tour de Tort! I smiled as soon as I opened Please Pass The Tort$ and didn't stop laughing until I finished it. Morrison's wit and humor are sure to provide a welcome diversion." -Recovered Lawyer and Federal Judge

"Great sequel with our very innovative lawyer friends Pap and Pup and my favorite client Lydia Lowlace and her version of the English language! The book is hilarious and so entertaining it is hard to put it down." -Lawrence Power, Former President of McGrath Power Associates

"T.C. Morrison delivers more of his trademark legal mayhem in this terrific sequel to Tort$ "R" Us. Don't miss it." -Andrew Schau, Retired Litigator and NY City Law Firm Partner

EAN: 9781596879904
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Morrison T.C.
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