The Fearless Companion - Mohammad Raja L
Mohammad L. Raja has taken 15 years to research the history and lives of all the prophets who have been mentioned in the Quaran. He uses texts from the Qaran, the Hadith, the Taura, The book of David, the Old and New Testament Bibles, old history books and Ibin e Kaseer to gather information on each and every prophet, writing as full an account of their history as possible. He writes in the belief that all the Prophets are guided by Allah and Allah says 'follow their ways'; but in order to follow them fully, we first must fully understand their history and the texts in which they exist. Thus, his mind filled with knowledge, he felt the need to share his work, in the belief that everyone, no matter what belief, should use this book as a resource. Mohammad asks you to read the book from beginning to end, and if it has added to your knowledge, pray for him.
EAN: 9781965679517