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Magnum Bonum - Charlotte M. Yonge
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Magnum Bonum - Charlotte M. Yonge

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Magnum Bonum is a novel written by Charlotte M. Yonge, first published in 1879. The story follows the life of a young girl named Ethel May, who lives with her family in a small English village. Ethel is a bright and curious child who is interested in everything around her, from the natural world to the people in her community.As Ethel grows up, she becomes increasingly aware of the social and economic inequalities that exist in her society. She begins to question the status quo and to challenge the traditional roles and expectations placed upon women. Along the way, she experiences love, loss, and betrayal, and she learns important lessons about the value of friendship, the importance of integrity, and the power of forgiveness.Throughout the novel, Yonge explores themes of class, gender, and social justice, and she provides a vivid portrait of life in Victorian England. Magnum Bonum is a compelling and thought-provoking work of fiction that offers a window into a bygone era and a reminder of the enduring struggles and triumphs of the human spirit.Never had expedition been more enjoyed than that of Mrs. Brownlow and her three boys. They had taken a week by the sea to recruit their forces, and then began their journey in earnest, since it was too late for a return to Eton, although so early in the season that to the Swiss they were like the first swallows of the spring, and they came in for some of the wondrous glory of the spring flowers, so often missed by tourists.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781419132063
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Charlotte M. Yonge
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