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Dora Deane - Mary J. Holmes
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Dora Deane - Mary J. Holmes

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Dora Deane is a novel written by Mary J. Holmes. The story revolves around the life of the protagonist, Dora Deane, who is a young woman living in the mid-19th century. Dora is an orphan who is forced to work as a governess to support herself. She is kind-hearted, hardworking, and determined to make a better life for herself.The novel follows Dora's journey as she faces various challenges and struggles to find her place in society. She falls in love with a wealthy man named Dr. Lacey, who is engaged to another woman. Dora's love for Dr. Lacey is tested as she tries to navigate her feelings and the societal expectations of the time.Throughout the novel, Dora also faces other obstacles, including financial difficulties, family drama, and personal tragedies. She remains steadfast in her determination to overcome these challenges and create a better life for herself.Overall, Dora Deane is a story of love, perseverance, and the strength of the human spirit. It offers a glimpse into the social and cultural norms of the mid-19th century and the struggles that women faced during that time.Very pleasantly to Dora did the remainder of the winter pass away. She was appreciated at last, and nothing could exceed the kindness of both Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, the latter of whom treated her more like a sister than a servant, while even Eugenia, who came often to Rose Hill, and whose fawning manner had partially restored her to the good opinion of the fickle Ella, tried to treat her with a show of affection, when she saw how much she was respected. Regularly each day Dora went to the handsome library where she recited her lessons to Mr. Hastings, who became deeply interested in watching the development of her fine intellectual mind.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781419116537
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Mary J. Holmes
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