Windows and Doors - Richard Robinson
- A Book of Poetry
Windows and Doors is Richard Robinsonʼs third book of poetry, written between 2022 and 2024. The poetry is both modern and not so modern. You could compare it to a book of sacred and profane verse cowritten by Robert Herrick and Ezra Pound while both are half-inebriated and imitating Arnaut Daniel and Paul Verlaine (anachronically of course). A sample would be illustrative:
I am so utterly alone, and pathetic,
My heart bleeds like St. Teresaʼs
In Richard Crashawʼs poem;
Of friends I have none, save you,
O my Lady, and a questioning heart
That prizes you and fears you.
My enemies are multiple and fleet,
They do not come to the temple
And worship at her conquering feet.
My wife and son, my mother
And brothers, all friends and lovers -
Are all so furiously against her...
I am so utterly alone, and pathetic,
My heart bleeds like St. Teresaʼs
In Richard Crashawʼs poem.
EAN: 9781955392617