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The Lawyer's English Language Coursebook. Higher Level (B1/B2) - Catherine Mason
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The Lawyer's English Language Coursebook. Higher Level (B1/B2) - Catherine Mason

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This is a new edition of The Lawyer’s English Language Coursebook, now split into two parts. This highly-professional legal English book contains extracts from real contracts as well as some authentic court documents and company documents. The main focus of the ten study units is to explain English legal vocabulary in the clearest way possible. It also has some very useful listening exercises based on real cases from the UK courts. The author, Catherine Mason, teaches legal English to some of the world’s best lawyers in Cambridge and she has based this book on what those lawyers say they really need: legal vocabulary, some knowledge of the common law, and absolute accuracy when drafting contracts and writing professional emails to clients. This book will progress your legal English to a much higher level! This book takes you to upper intermediate level in legal English, making you very proficient in this specialist area of knowledge. It will give you all of the essential legal vocabulary you need to be able to work in law at an international level, as it has a focus on the language of written contracts and the company law vocabulary concerned with international trade and mergers and acquisitions The book has 10 units (the same subjects as our A2/B1 book), including sections on the vocabulary of commercial contracts, the language of company law, and accurate legal writing. The Units are: The Legal Profession The Language of Banking The Language of Contract Law The Language of Employment Law The Language of the Law of Tort Understanding Contracts (1) The Language of Business Law Modern Letter Writing The Language of Company Law Understanding Contracts (2) This book is essential for lawyers who need to speak, negotiate, and draft important documents in English in the modern legal sector.

EAN: 9781805171874
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Catherine Mason
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.
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Transakcja przebiegła bardzo szybko i sprawnie. Szybki przekaz informacji o postępach w realizacji zamówienie a otrzymany towar zgodny z zamówienie.
Zamówienie zostało szybko skompletowane i wysłane w przepięknym kartonie. Wszystkie książki były w idealnym stanie.