Soulful Leadership - Mark Porteous
- Tools for a New Way of Being
We live in a unique time in human history. The choices we make individually and collectively over the next decade will determine the direction of humanity's path. We are entering a new era in the story of humankind that penetrates every aspect of life, including how we serve in business, politics, organizations, and families.
"A New Way of Being" is emerging that supports the good of the whole. Visionary pioneers like you are leading the way. As a Soulful Leader, YOU are a beacon of light and a powerful force in the Universe!
To be a powerful force of good, you need to be CONNECTED-connected to who you are at soul level, connected to your Divine Purpose, and connected to your Soul Tribe.
Contributing Authors: Renee Porteous, Natalie and Glen Ledwell, Debra Poneman, Karen Strauss, David Riklan, Adam Bricker, Sue Shalley, Lori Leyden, Ronda Renee, Lisa Witter, Andrea Isaacs, Maureen Whitehouse, Gail and Gregory Hoag, Russel Mariani, Valerie Sorrentino, Debra Morrison, Tiffany Noelle Brown, Kumari Mullin, Allison Stillman, Shelley Knight, Lisa Barnett, Nancy Juetten, Marie Fratoni
EAN: 9781937055059