A Bounty of Chaos - Markus Matthews
When a prison transport crashes in Hamilton, dozens of dangerous Enhanced Individuals are released upon an unsuspecting population.
Zack and his team are determined to track down each of the fugitives and cash in on their bounties. All those high-priced bounties attract other hunters to town who are looking to collect.
With powered criminals running amok and bounty hunters determined to bring them in by any means necessary, Zack fears for the safety of his beloved hometown and its residents.
Can Zack and his team bring order to the chaos before the body count gets too high? He better or Hamilton will soon become a warzone.
If you are a fan of action with a dash of humor mixed in, this is one urban fantasy novel you don't want to miss.
Do yourself a favor and check out A Bounty of Chaos today!
EAN: 9781998190027