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The 49th Protocol - Todd Gray
AutorzyTodd Gray
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The 49th Protocol - Todd Gray

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Experience the thrilling world of RCMP undercover agent Stewart MacGregor, known as Mac, as he delves into a seemingly routine assignment on the prestigious RCMP Musical Ride. Little does he know that this mission will catapult him into a high-stakes race, fraught with danger and international intrigue.

When an archivist uncovers a hidden part of a top-secret document within Sir Samuel Steele's journal, the stage is set for a desperate quest to find the missing piece. The combination of these fragments could alter the destinies of two countries and shape the very fabric of our world.

As Mac peels back the layers of corruption within the RCMP, he unknowingly becomes entangled in this race for hidden knowledge. What starts as an investigation into harassment, bullying, and assault quickly spirals into a dangerous game, where the stakes couldn't be higher.

In The 49th Protocol, Todd Gray, a former RCMP member with thirty years of insider experience, masterfully brings to life the intricate workings of Canada's largest crime-fighting organization. Drawing from his firsthand knowledge, Gray fearlessly explores the darker aspects of the RCMP, shedding light on issues like bullying, harassment, social isolation, PTSD, and police corruption with both authority and compassion.

But this book is not just a gripping police procedural. It delves deeper into the Canadian society, tackling subjects like the history of First Nations people and the haunting legacy of the residential school system. Through the lens of geopolitical possibilities, Gray's work challenges readers to consider alternative outcomes that could have reshaped our world.

The 49th Protocol isn't your ordinary crime fiction-it's a heart-pounding journey that captivates from the very first page and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the breathtaking finale. Buckle up for a galloping pace of twists and turns, as Mac uncovers the truth that lies beneath the surface, navigating a treacherous landscape where nothing is as it seems.

Don't miss your chance to experience this gripping and thought-provoking tale that transcends the boundaries of traditional detective fiction. Get ready for an adventure like no other-a ride you won't soon forget.

EAN: 9781990688201
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Todd Gray
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