Leadership - Damon Wilkerson
- Quickly Boost Your Self-Confidence With These Top 21 Tips That You Can Put Into Action Today to Create an Empowered You (Unleash The Tenacity That Is Inside You, And Strengthen Your Resilience)
Leadership that Gets Projects Done: Crucial Steps to Take to Ensure Success and Improve Outcomes is a manual for becoming skilled in the art of project management and leadership. This resource will discover tried-and-true ways for effectively leading others, generating outcomes, and accomplishing organisational objectives.
A combination of the abilities and knowledge necessary to effectively manage people in order to accomplish a set of objectives is leadership. Some individuals have the misconception that it entails exerting control over the actions of others. The first thing you will realise after reading this book is that you will never be able to control the behaviour of other people if they do not want to do what you want them to do. Every individual is responsible for determining what it is that he will do at any given moment.
A leader's only responsibility is to exert influence over the conduct of those they lead. A good leader can convince their followers that the work they are doing is useful not just to themselves but also to the organisation as a whole and to other people. This book will show you the traits you need to have and the abilities you need to acquire in order to become a successful leader, and it will guide you through the process.
The endeavours of political, economic, and military forces to reshape societies throughout the globe, especially in the context of Africa, have been a dismal failure. The international community has to react to the pervasiveness of poverty, corruption, and poor leadership by being creative, innovative, and collaborative. Otherwise, human flourishing will continue to be hindered.
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