When You Remember - Thomas Jane M.
- Next Steps in Human Evolution
You are a being of love who has embarked on an adventure to better know yourself through this amazing world of contrasts. Every uncomfortable or difficult experience has been an opportunity to further your understanding of that which is love. The Pegasus Group, a group of high, light beings, adds their voice to many who say that this is a special time of awakening—a time when each person will remember with their inner being and begin to more fully express their loving nature.
When You Remember is a practical guide to connecting with your inner being or higher self in order to access its wisdom, learn to truly love yourself, and then express the love that you are out into the world. It includes easy-to-follow exercises and meditations that will assist you in changing beliefs that are holding you back, releasing past traumas, improving relationships, and gradually increasing your loving vibration. And with every upward shift of your vibration, you will be contributing to a more loving and peaceful world. The adventure begins now!
EAN: 9781452550022