America - Donald L. Barlett
- Who Really Pays the Taxes?
If you feel as if the tax laws are rigged against the average taxpayer, you're right:
-- Middle-income taxpayers pick up a growing share of the nation's tax bill, while our most profitable corporations pay little or nothing.
-- Your tax status is effected more by how many lawyers and lobbyists you can afford than by your resources or needs.
-- Our best-known and most successful companies pay more taxes to foreign governments than to our own.
-- Cities and states start bidding wars to attract business through tax breaks -- taxes made up for by the American taxpayer.
Who really pays the taxes? Barlett and Stelle, authors of the best-selling america: What Went Wrong?, offer a graphic expose of what's wrong with our tax system, how it got that way, and how to fix it.
EAN: 9780671871574