Keeping Yourself S.A.F.E.R - Parsons Haydn
- Developing Habitual Resilience and Wellbeing Practices in the Community
Life is hard! This book is about adapting the tried and tested S.A.F.E.R health and wellbeing five pillars of holistic wellbeing.
Haydn Parsons is a Poet, percussionist, spiritual director, and an Army Chaplain. Haydn enjoys time in the outdoors whenever he can. He can usually be found bushwalking with a trusty stick in one hand and a notebook and pen in the other; ready to capture in verse, any inspiration that he may find. Haydn’s life experience and education includes having completed a trade as a fitter and machinist; a Diploma of Public Safety (Military Chaplaincy); Bachelor of Theology; spiritual direction formation; and a Master of Arts. In 2019 he published ‘Beneath a sea of mask – a book of poetry’, as well as two workbooks based on the SAFER wellbeing principles: ‘Keeping yourself SAFER – developing habitual resilience and wellbeing practices in the community,’ and ‘The Resilient Fighting Force – developing habitual resilience …
EAN: 9781925935622